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Caster, Ready to Suffer

"Lump of rotting meat

Stripped in delicate gowns

Dragging themselves across the road

Suffocating in


This is a poem that describes the second stage that people go through after they enter the society. This is the stage when people react to the difficulties in the society passive aggressively. People start to accept the fact that they are doomed to suffer in lives.

"Breathe in

Breathe out

Smoke creeping within bodies

Temperately rescued"

Bohem 3 from the last poem is lighter and more beginner-friendly comparing to caster 3 in this poem. If Bohem 3 is for people to go through the struggles and have the strength to move on, caster 3 are for people who realize that there is no meaning to move on in life.

"Fire burn

And burn

And burn"

Cigarettes for people in this stage simply ease their pain instead of give them strength.

"Times up

Back to life"

However, after finishing a cigarette, people go back to work unwillingly. Still suffering even though they know that they can barely make a difference.

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