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Bohem, the Very First Pack of Cigarette

"I am a singer without a voice

I am a dancer without legs

I am pure

I must thrive"

This is a poem that represents the first stage that people are experiencing when they first got into the society. These are the people who are still enthusiastic and confident of what they are and may be capable of.

"The world is cruel

Yet not terrifying

I will survive"

Despite difficulties encountered and exertions crushing people's mind, these people are still willing to strive for success no matter at what cost.

"I cannot be good

I must be perfection

I can be perfection

Perfection is not good enough"

For these people, it is not others' expectations that they are trying to fulfill, but their own ambitions that drives them to perform better. They have the confidence for what they are and will be capable to accomplish now and in the future.

"Keep singing

Keep dancing

Keep struggling"

Nothing crushes these people's minds. They believe in themselves and believe that the world will finally see them and grant them the opportunity to shine like a star.

"The world is terrifying

Will I survive"

However, cruel as the reality is, they finally started to doubt not only the world but also themselves.

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